My quest is simple: to read everything.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Atlas Shrugged: 48-53

Pages 48-53

·         Here, in the first part of a chapter entitled “The Top and the Bottom,” we have Orren Boyle, James Taggart, Paul Larkin, and Wesley Mouch having a discussion in a high top restaurant that greatly resembles a hobbit hole, if said hobbit was a drunken hermit. I’m not even going to look up the meanings for ‘Wesley,’ because, seriously, his damn last name sounds like ‘mooch.’ Probably because Rand thought naming the dude Parrasyte was too obvious. And what do they talk about in this diseased hobbit hole in the sky? Well, follow the happy link and find out.

All Atlas Shrugged Or I'll Scream.

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